Monday, August 27, 2012

The Sun Rises Everyday

The sun rises everyday.
Did you know that little fact?
For this small, unchangeable detail can affect the ways we act.
When clouds are gray, the feeling grim
And moods change with every whim,
Don't worry, there's no need to fear,
The sun will rise tomorrow here.

The sun rises everyday.
But sometimes people forget.
For when life seems utterly hopeless, all they want is to submit.
Their personal raincloud follows,
Bringing to surface all their sorrows,
And yet with that despair and woe,
Defeated can be this depressing foe.

The sun rises everyday.
"How?" The pessimists cry.
"To remind you that I am still here." Is God's constant reply.
For with good deeds and loving words,
The shepherd will his young sheep herd,
And when we forget the Savior's cup,
All we must do, is then, look up.

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