Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Arrg! Feelings!

Arrg!  Feelings!  What have I ever done to you?
Confusion. Jealousy. Love?  What am I to do?
I came to high school prepared.  Ready to fight off drama.
Expecting to shout, "I did it!" as I hold up my diploma.
Why pick on my life?  I was happy before you came!
But then you feelings dropped in, like heartache, sorrow, shame.
I'm puzzled, stressed, and overwhelmed.  Heart racing all the while.
Yet I can't let it out.  I have to pretend.  Hiding behind a smile.
I'd love to just be done.  Finally confess; give up the fight.
Only, that'd just create drama, which I've been trying to avoid, right?
Why so difficult?  At times like this I'd like to be a tree.
Sturdy, steady, inanimate.  With no feelings, I'd be free.
Except, I'm only human.  So I guess I'll just keep living.
Struggling on, day by day, although my heart is bleeding.
Longing for times far gone when I was left unmarred.
Oh feelings, why me?!  Why are you making this so hard?